Lesson 1 – Introduction to HTML Tutorial

Introduction to HTML tutorial

This is a html tutorial for beginners to advance, where we have covered every single topic step by step with examples and practice exercises.  After reading this chapter, you will get basic idea about html structure, html tags and html elements.

1. What is HTML?

  • HTML stands for “Hypertext Markup Language”. It is used to create the structure of web pages.
  • HTML is very simple to learn and after going through this tutorial you can easily create your own website using html.
  • HTML works around elements which are represented by opening <> and closing tags </>.

2. What are HTML elements?

HTML elements are the building blocks of a web page, which define its structure. For example:

  • Document Type (html or any other document),
  • Title of the document 
  • Body content
  • Headings
  • Paragraphs
  • Style etc

3. What are HTML tags?

HTML tags define how a web page should look like. These tags work in pair e.g. opening tag and closing tag. Opening tag tells a browser when to start and closing tag defines when to end.

For example – a webpage consist of Headings, Body and Paragraph etc. So an opening tag in Heading would define when to start a heading and a closing tag will define when to end. Similarly an opening tag in Paragraph would tell a browser when to start a new paragraph and a closing tag would define when to end.

4. What is the difference between HTML elements and tags?

A HTML tag is part of HTML element. For example a header element of a web page is made up of following opening and closing tags and content in between them:

  • <header> – opening tag
  •  Learn free html at freetutorialpoint.com  – content part
  • </title> – closing tag

 Proper syntax for a header element is:

 <header> Learn free html at freetutorialpoint.com  </header>

html tutorial for beginners, html tags, html elements

5. How does HTML tags works?

HTML tags works in pair and represented by a surrounded angle bracket. Opening bracket is represented by< > and a closing bracket is represented by</> .

For example –

  • Opening tag for a heading is represented by <H1> and a closing tag is represented by </H1>
  • Opening tag for a paragraph is represented by <P> and a closing tag is represented by</P>

Syntax for html tag:

  •   <opening tag> Some text </closing tag>

For example:

  • <H1> Learn HTML </H1>
  • <P> New Paragraph starts from here </P>

6. Do all HTML tags have a closing tag?

No, it’s not necessary; there are some html tags which don’t need a closing tag. E.g.  Line break tag <br /> and image tag <img />. We will discuss more about them in further chapters.

7. How does a HTML Structure look like?

html tutorial for beginners, html tags, html elements

  • <!DOCTYPE html> This tag is used by web browsers to understand the document type and its version. It must be written on the top of the document before all html tags.
  • <html> defines html web page.
  • <head> defines header tag.
  • <title> defines title tag.
  • <Body> defines body tag.
  • <H1> defines heading tag.
  • <P> defines paragraph tag.

8. HTML versions:

HTML +1993
HTML 21995
HTML 3.21997
HTML 4.11999
HTML 52012
XHTML 52013

 Interview Questions:

  1. What is HTML?
  2. Do all html tags have a closing tag?
  3. Difference between HTML tag and HTML element?
  4. What is the latest HTML version and when it is released.

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